Job Description
Warehouse/Shopper Team Member (Seasonal, Full-Time,Part-Time, Flexible Hours) Shifts Overnight, Sunrise, Day, Evening,Weekend Location Irvine Job opportunities vary by location. Weupdate postings daily with open positions. Possible Locations:Anaheim, Buena Park, Irvine, Laguna Niguel, Tustin, Brea, MissionViejo Salary Earn $15/hr or more Job Descriptions Delivery Stations- Amazon's delivery stations are the final stop before an orderheads out for delivery to the customer's door. In this active jobyou sort packages into delivery routes. To ensure we meetcustomer-promised delivery times during the day, you'll workovernight or sunrise shifts. Depending on your location, you willwork 15-30 hours per week on shifts that range between 4 and 10hours. DELIVERY STATIONS (Heavy Bulky) - This is the final stop forlarger items, like large screen TVs, furniture, and refrigerators,before they head out for delivery to the customers' doors. In thisactive job, you will sort our heavier and bulkier packages intodelivery routes. Our teams work overnight shifts to meetcustomer-promised delivery times during the day. You'll work up to19 hours per week on the days you choose. Flexible hours, areliable pay rate, and no surprises! Sort Centers - It's no smalljob to get every order from click to customer door. Our sortcenters are the first stop on the journey from the warehouse.You'll be up on your feet moving and sorting packages betweentrucks. These are part-time opportunities with a consistentschedule of 25-35 hours per week. WHOLE FOODS SHOPPERS - Prime Nowoffers shopping services from Whole Foods Market, so customers canorder online and have items delivered in under two hours. As aShopper, you'll work in a grocery store setting at Whole Foods,locating and carefully selecting items and packaging them fordelivery. If you need flexibility in your schedule, this job allowsyou to choose from available shifts each week to create your own.Flexible hours, a reliable pay rate, and no surprises! AMAZON FRESHWAREHOUSES (2 Hour or Less Delivery) - Become a part of Amazon'ssuper-fast (2 hours or less) delivery service. We offer fresh,frozen, and packaged groceries, so you'll work in varying climatesfrom room temperature to freezer environments. We will provide youwith the right gear to stay warm during the colder parts of yourshift. If you need flexibility in your schedule, this job allowsyou to choose from available shifts each week to create your own.*Flexible hours, a reliable pay rate, and no surprises! * Full-timeand part-time roles with set schedules may also be available.Amazon remains open as an essential service to serve ourcommunities delivering critical supplies directly to the doorstepsof people who need them. Apply now. Start as soon as 7 days. Noresume or previous work experience required. Candidates must be 18years or older. Amazon is committed to a diverse and inclusiveworkplace. Amazon is an equal opportunity employer and does notdiscriminate on the basis of race, national origin, gender, genderidentity, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, disability,age, or other legally protected status. For individuals withdisabilities who would like to request an accommodation, pleasevisit Candidates must be18 years or older. Amazon is committed to a diverse and inclusiveworkplace. Amazon is an equal opportunity employer and does notdiscriminate on the basis of race, national origin, gender, genderidentity, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, disability,age, or other legally protected status. For individuals withdisabilities who would like to request an accommodation, pleasevisit